Prof. Geirmund Unsgård
Medical advisor and founder
Geirmund Unsgård has been a professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) for 30 years, where he also was Dean of the Medical Faculty for 6 years. He has been using navigated 3D Ultrasound in neurosurgical operations for 23 years.
He was Chief of Neurosurgical Dept and Head of Neurodivision, St Olav University Hospital for 22 years. He has all together 217 publications in peer reviewed journals. The research encompasses cell biology, MR technology and in the last 20 years mostly the use of ultrasound technology to guide and improve neurosurgical operations. He has been entrusted different international professional positions. For his scientific and professional work he was knighted by the King of Norway in 2009 (“Knight of St Olavs Order.”)